Quite possibly the most remote Phone Bank in the world. Located in beautiful Seyðisfjörður, Iceland, it commemorates Iceland's first international telegraph cable. Go back in time and make a phone call at the Pelican Beach Hotel in North Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands. But be warned, your calls will not be private! If this isn't the prettiest phone bank in the world, then I do not know what is! Located in Hamilton Harbor at the Hamilton Princess Hotel, Bermuda. WOW! Truly an original. This private phone bank is located in Westminster, London. If you're looking to call the King or any member of the Royal Family, this is the most convenient phone booth to do so. A phone bank on the beach? Does it get any better than that? Located along Poipu Beach on the island of Kauai, it is right across the street from the famous Brennecke's Beach Broiler. You can call and order a PukaDog while on your way to the beach! This is a classic example of a phone bank at a gas station. This beauty is in central Honolulu, HI and conveniently located on the way to the airport. Perfect stop to fill up your rental car and to make a call home if you need to! Sometimes simplicity is what matters. You need to make a phone call? Ok. Here. Location: Unknown. A PHONE BANK OF ALL PHONE BANKS. Location: Unknown. But I bet if you found yourself at this phone bank, you wouldn't know which phone to use and I think that is really beautiful. Phone banks in general are going out of style - but not this one! The carpet? Perfection. Why just have 1 pattern when you can have 5. Making a call has never been so fun. Location: Unknown.